Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Biblioethica January Prompt: Wishin' and Dreamin'

As always, I am squeezing my post for this months prompt in last minute! But this prompt, all about wishes, made me think of my own mori wishlist! So I wanted to share some mori things I hope to do someday, or was able to complete!

Have Done:

˚✩‧ Own a mori magazine

I was able to complete this dream after I moved to Japan! Mori magazines are available cheap here from used book sellers online. I bought a ton and now own most of the most popular ones.

˚✩‧ Own Choco's Book

For the same reason, I was able to purchase Choco's book when I moved to Japan. It was so cool to hold one of the things that started it all in my hands. It's definitely one of my most treasured mori possessions.

˚✩‧ Knit my own shawl

Ever since I knew of mori, I oohed and ahhed over images of cute coordinates featuring shawls, and always wanted to buy or make one. I taught myself to knit, and after a lot of failures, finally was able to knit my own shawl! It's still one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe and I wear it constantly.

˚✩‧ Own a Popoyans CDs

Popoyans have been one of my favorite musical groups of all time since I first discovered them. The fact that they also wore mori is just a plus! Even as music moves digital, I always want to own physical copies of albums by my favorite artists. Since Popoyans is so obscure, it was especially important for me to own a copy of their music, since it could easily become lost media at any time. I own both of their released CDs, and I treasure them dearly.

Want To Do:

˚✩‧ Go to a mori meet up

It's every mori person's dream, right? To go to a gathering of other mori folks, and sip tea together at a cute cafe, and maybe go on a nature walk? Sounds like a dream! Unfortunately, I lived in an area of the US with no other mori friends, and now I live in Japan where the fashion is dead. Although I've met a few mori friends in person over the years, and been to a few online meet-ups, I've still never been to a physical meet-up. I'll never give up hoping though! Maybe someday in the future I can meet for tea with other mori friends!
A few of the OG mori community members at a meet-up!

˚✩‧ Wear mori at a convention or in Harajuku
This one isn't too far out of reach. I actually went to Harajuku recently, and I don't live that far from Tokyo these days, so it's certainly possible. However, whenever I travel it tends to be during summertime, and I hate to wear layers in the summer. Maybe I should plan another trip to Tokyo in the Spring and wear mori then!

Impossible Dreams:

˚✩‧ Visit Wonder Rocket 
When I first discovered mori, it was during it's height in Japan and abroad. At the time, every mori person wanted to buy a Wonder Rocket piece and travel to their adorable store. Pictures of their rabbit mannequins were so popular, and I also dreamed of visiting their store. Unfortunately, they've since closed their doors, making this an impossible dream.

˚✩‧ Wear any mori brand piece from Japan
Every other plus sized or curvy mori person (or tall for that matter) know that mori brands from Japan, like most Japanese brands, cator to the idealized beauty standard of Japan. This means the dreaded "one size" pieces, other tiny sizes, and no room for any curves. I'm barely plus sized by US standards, but in Japan I can barely wear anything. I have to buy most of my clothes from overseas brands. So although you can still find mori brand pieces thrifting, wearing them is an impossible dream for me.
How about you? What are your mori dreams? Do you find that they've changed with the decline in popularity of mori fashion? I would love to hear your answers below.


  1. I hope you're able to meet up with some mori friends this year! The fashion looks so interesting!

  2. Hi Kathryn. Your blog is such a great resource. Do you think that the current Cottagecore trend is the American version of Mori? I feel like the basics of Mori are things I've liked all my life, but perhaps not as full and layered as a true Mori girl. Cottagecore reminds me of a lot of the Mori look and I was curious to know what you think. Happy New Year!
